We are closed July 3 & 4 for Independence Day

Who we are

Welcome to the community of believers who make Saint Luke’s their spiritual home. Please come visit us and be a part of us.

For 131 years, St. Luke’s has been a beacon for Christ in the high desert of North Central Arizona. Each Sunday we gather for worship in love, faith and charity to proclaim the relevance of Christ and His teachings in our individual and corporate lives. We are a church rooted in tradition; one that values reason and engages the challenges and complexities of God’s truth found in Holy Scripture.

Our mission is “To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known.” We strive to carry out that mission not only in our individual lives, but corporately through more than eighty distinctly structured ministries, programs, projects, commissions and work efforts. Within our parish, you will find groups committed to service and outreach, education, hospitality, Christian fellowship, and pastoral care. Volunteer opportunities abound in and through our parish.

To know Christ and to make Him known

Who is St. Luke

Luke was a doctor who lived around 2,000 years ago. We don’t know much about his early life, but we know that about the year 51 he met a man named Paul who was on a mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ across the land. Luke joined Paul and others on that mission. Luke wrote about his experiences in his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. As a man of science, Luke tells us he sought to investigate thoroughly, interview eyewitnesses, and set down an orderly account of everything that happened from the beginning of Jesus’ life. So, Luke was also really a historian. We can tell from Luke’s writings that he was a compassionate man who was deeply concerned about the poor and marginalized among him. He wanted people to know that God’s door is open to all and that forgiveness and mercy await everyone. Luke stayed with Paul during Paul’s execution by the Romans in the year 66. Paul became St. Paul and is widely recognized as one of the most influential of all saints. It is believed Luke lived to be 84. The oldest surviving manuscript of Luke’s gospel is from around the year 200 and ends “The Gospel According to Luke.”

Luke is now St. Luke and his message of hope is as fresh and meaningful today as it was 2,000 years ago.

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
Luke 11:9-10

What we believe

The people of St. Luke’s gather “to know Christ and to make Him known”. We are the only Episcopal Church in the Tri-City area, which means that we have quite a diverse congregation with differing opinions and world views. Our diversity is brought under the Authority of Christ and is thus a source of real strength, mutual respect and love. In worship, we prioritize the Holy Sacraments of Eucharist (communion), and Baptism. We stay theologically close to the comforting liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer and thus reflect a fairly traditional Episcopal approach to worship, teaching and evangelism. Click here for an in-depth look at our Episcopal traditions.

Our Clergy

The Rev'd Marc E. McDonald


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The Rev'd James Schubert

Assisting Priest

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The Rev'd Susan Schubert

Assisting Priest

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The Rev'd Richard Lassiter

Assisting Priest

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The Rev'd Bonnie Cain

Assisting Priest

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The Rev'd Kimball Arnold


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The Rev'd Philip A. Shaw

Associate Priest

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Lawrence Neece

Senior Warden

David W. White

jr. Warden

Kimberly McConnell


David Malmquist


Our Vestry

The canon law of the Church charges the Vestry with the following responsibilities:
Promoting the spiritual welfare of the parish with the Rector; Aiding the Rector in the institution, conduct, and development of the programs of the Church both within and outside of the Parish; Acting as an agent and legal representative in all matters concerning property: maintain the buildings and furnishings, maintain other property (facilities, parking lot, grounds, etc.), and providing adequate insurance; Taking responsibility for the finances of the parish, raising money, prompt payment of salaries and bills, prudent care of trust funds, endowments and bequests, sale and transfer of securities and other assets, maintain records, annual report, budget (approve expenditures and recommend and approve salaries);Recruiting, encouraging, training, and guiding candidates for Holy Orders; Representing the parish in its relations with the Rector; serving as a “Council of Advice” for the Rector when requested; Electing a Rector if there is a vacancy.

Class of 2025

Leanne Bryan

Christian Formation Commission Liaison

Carolyn Jones

Pastoral Care Commission Liaison

Don Martin

Communications Commission Liaison

Class of 2026

Carol Goldsmith

Fellowship Commission Liaison

Sharon Tootle

Outreach Commission Liaison

Class of 2027

Lauree Birchmeier

Stewarship Commission Liaison

Leigh Hunt


Brenda Schwartz

Heritage and Environment Commission Liaison

Our Staff

Lynda Rowntree

Parish Administrator

Becca Farrell

Interim Bookkeeper

Dennis Houser

Music Director

John Euson


Alfonso Hernandez


Kay Houser


Luana Canty

St. Luke's Bell Choir Director