St. Luke’s Parish Ministries are commonly grouped into these Commissions: Christian Formation, Heritage and Environment, Fellowship Membership, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Stewardship and Worship. Each Commission watches over these areas of our Parish, providing a multitude of opportunities for service and growth to all parishioners in their unique spiritual gifting and talents. Our Time & Talent survey provides a detailed list of ministries in each category, along with a list of ways in which newcomers and long-time members can offer time and talent to support each. We invite you to consider giving of your time and talent to St. Luke’s and thus to the Kingdom of God. Consider now how you would like to become more involved in the ministries of St. Luke’s.
The Christian Education Commission oversees the Christian development and formation of all age groups. Within their purview lies Sunday School for Adults and Children, Men’s ministry, Women’s ministry, and Children’s ministry. Among our many resources is the online program “ChurchNext”, which is utilized to create interesting and informative content to the Sunday School classes to promote walking closer with God and understanding our role as Christians in today’s society.
Our newly-formed “Heritage and Environment” Commission houses the “Creation Care” Ministry, the “Historical Committee” and and our newly-revived “Native American Ministry”. Keeping track of St. Luke’s Parish’s historical records is a huge task, and many volunteers pitch in to keep it organized.
Developed by the Presiding Bishop’s office, “Creation Care” is a commitment to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy and life-giving conversation as individuals, congregations, ministries and dioceses. St. Luke’s is answering this call to be caretakers of God’s creation with the formation of our Creation Care team. Concerned for the global climate emergency, drawing on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore loving, liberating, live-giving relationships with all of Creation.
The mission of the Fellowship Commission is to create the time and spaces that bring parishioners together in community. The team organizes weekly fellowship time following services, as well as periodic special events, including potlucks and seasonal church-wide activities. Our Fellowship Commission also care for our Gathering Hall and Parish Hall.
Our membership commission oversees the inclusion of visitors and new members into parish activities and relationships. The Episcopalians are known for precise record-keeping, and this commission watches over that process by tracking down event dates such as baptisms and confirmations for each of our parishioners. A newcomer’s luncheon occurs quarterly wherein all visitors and those interested in becoming members of the Parish are cordially invited, served lunch, and are made aware of the different ministries and their leaders where they are welcome to serve.
Our vision is to serve Christ through serving our neighbors.
The Outreach Commission brings parishioners together to help others, especially those in need of food, water, shelter, clothing, and educational opportunities.